About Facility
Light nanoscope is a unique equipment for advanced fluorescence microscopy. Can be used for the investigations of the dynamic properties of different objects (proteins, DNA etc.) and their behavior in a cellular environment. Nanoscope enables to perform research with a variety of modern fluorescent microscopy methods including CLSM with Spectral Imaging, TIRFM, FCS, FCCS, 2PFM , FLIM, FRAP, SIM, PALM, 3D-PALM, direct STORM.
Excitation wavelengths span the whole visible spectral range and near-UV absorbing fluorophores can be excited in two-photon mode. Besides the many measurement possibilities, the uniqueness of the nanoscope stems from the fact that it is possible to apply all these different fluorescence microscopy modalities onto the same sample by directly correlating different findings in one and the same object.
Nanoscope is also equipped with the microinjection device and cell-incubator. It makes all needed cell manipulations possible. Microinjection system Eppendorf Microinjector FemtoJet, joystick InjectMan NI 2, micromanipulator (Eppendorf) can be used for microinjection of fluorescent dyes, plasmids, ligands to adherent cells.