About Facility
Platform for protein expression and purification allows us to perform a full cycle of work from genetic engineering to protein expression, purification and analysis. Platform is mainly devoted to sample preparation. Using this platform we are able to prepare samples using biological native sources (tissues, plants), cultures of strains-producers (E.coli, Sf9, L.tarentolae, P.Pastoris) and cell-free expression systems. This research platform is also used to prepare genetic vectors for protein expression in transfected mammalian cells. Also a wide range of biochemical and molecular biology processes are using the infrastructure of this platform.
Genetic engineering has its own site equipped with PCR-box, several laminar flow benches, Electroporator Multiporator (Eppendorf), gel documentation system (UVP), UV-transilluminators (Vilber Lourmat), PCR-cyclers (BioRad, MJ Research, Qiagen), different DNA electrophoresis chambers (Bio-rad, Hoefer) including large scale and semipreparative.

Cultivation of strains-producers could be performed in several shakers-incubators Innova 44R (New Brunswick), Multitron (Infors HT), bench-top bioreactor Labfors equipped with corrosive-stable parts for halophiles cultivation (Infors HT). For cell disruption available ultrasonic baths and ultrasonic frequency generator with tips, microfluidizer M-110P (Microfluidics), cavitation cell disruption vessel (Parr Instrument), French pressure cell press (Thermo Scientific), a number of tissue grinders (Dounce) with the overhead stirrer.